Angora Goats
Ethical and sustainable Angora breeding for the future
Stud Genetics Available
Polled and Horned Semen, Embryos and live animals are available for purchase, including exporting overseas.
At Parkdale SRS® we use advanced science and physical traits to breed a maternal animal that produces the finest quality Mohair in the World, but will also meet the demands of its natural environment.
When classing our animals, huge emphasis is placed on the following traits:
Structure - Feet and triple wedge body shape
Growth - Weaning weight
Carcase traits - Fat and muscle scan
Maternal - Fertility, kid survival
Fleece traits - Softness, fibre alignment, staple length, fibre density and fleece structure.
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Angora Goats
In 2015 at Parkdale we decided to purchase some SRS® Angora bucks and cross with rangeland does from our Western country (Enngonia/Barringun).
From breeding based on SRS® Genetics we are very pleased with the results.
The 1st cross fleece sold for $8.50/kilo, the 2nd cross fleece $35.00/kilo. All the wethers placed in a feedlot to be sold into the meat market after next shearing. Both goat meat and mohair prices are very high due to falling production world wide. Redesigning rangeland goats can be very profitable when done correctly. Selecting Angora bucks with high follicle density and exceptional fibre length is the key to the Mudfords success.
15 month old Parkdale 3rd cross Billy. 180mm length in 5.5 months growth, 18micron, 11kg for twelve months, valued at $43/kg or $470 return for 12 months.
In spring 2020, 750 does mated produced 980 kids at weaning, 130%. These kids are up to 40kg body weight at 5 months, 100 to 140mm of staple length and cutting from .8 to 1.2kg fleece weight. 150 of the does mated were 7 month old kids. This drop of doe kids will be mated in April this year to SRS® bucks. With fine kid mohair at $54/kg and goat meat at $10/kg on the hook Angora goats are very profitable. The program to redesign the Angora is moving very quickly due to the great work done by Dr Jim Watts. The breeders that follow the SRS® blue print are now reaping the rewards from the great man's work.
Drought and Flood Agency
“Farming through drought with goats”
Click the image to watch the YouTube video
For more information regarding Angora Goats contact Robert Mudford