What have we been up to?
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Front page of The Land
Nicki continues to etch her name in the shearing history books
Shearing World Record Success
UK buyer secures top two rams
Global Call for producers to end mulesing
Sheep breeding programs for shorter tails progressing
Stud ewes sell as far as Westeran Australia
Sold to local and interstate buyers
Interest in fertile, easy-care sheep
Collie Hotel TikTok
Is the SRS® Merino a genetic answer to fewer shearers?
Parkdale Merinos hit $5600
YouTube - Parkdale Open day
The Land - ‘Non Mulesed in demand at Parkdale’
Sheep Central - Short-tailed Merino ewes were ‘the buy of the day’ at Parkdale
YouTube - GSchneider Non-Mulesed wool and consumer expectations
The Land - ‘Parkdale SRS® Poll Merinos see studs top price and beats lasts years average by $1040.’
Towards a non-mulesed future
Daily Liberal - Dubbo hosts National Shearing and Wool Handling Championships
The Land - ‘Parkdale SRS® Merinos popular for those who are looking for a mules-free flock’
That's the Spirit (Nalag): Steve Mudford - Gilgandra
The Land - Keeping water up to stock is important at Parkdale
Shleep Well - The Makers Don Mudford
Sheep Central - Worldwide condolences honour wool science revolutionary Dr Jim Watts
The Land - Steve Mudford's new world record of most wethers shorn in eight hours
Western Magazine - Parkdale merino farmer praises mulesing ban in New Zealand
YouTube - Redback Boots Advertisement
YouTube - Mahindra Advertisement
Western Advocate - Bathurst-based shearer Stacey Te Huia claims merino world record
The Land - Rams top at $5000 at Parkdale SRS® sale
NAB Agribusiness - Breeding Merinos for easy management and greater profit
The Land - Trio blows their way to shearing record
The Land - Three-stand world record shearing attempt
Making short tail Merinos a genetic option
The Land - Click go the shears, girls ...
Farm Online - Short track to clean tails